Our Client is a U.S. based law firm (located in Houston, Texas!) in the business of offering legal services in the areas of Personal Injury law. The law firm interacts with various clients to settle their legal claims. This involves considerable legal work. As their workload had increased significantly and there was a huge backlog of cases to be settled, they approached Lex Process to provide paralegal services. One of the cases we provided our services successfully were for this spinal injury case.
The Incident:
At approximately 1330 hours, on October 21, 2016, Mr. JT was involved in an accident while sitting stationary at an intersection on the Interstate Highway 610. Suddenly and without warning another vehicle rear-ended his car causing his body to be jolted back and forth within his seat. Immediately after the accident, Mr. JT felt pain in his neck, chest, back and knees. He had suffered a neck fracture. This pain persisted to a point where he was unable to work for over one month. His symptoms interfered with work, sleep, and activities of daily living.
The Challenge:
Every personal injury case involves a huge number of medical documents. This creates a lot of burden for lawyers. These documents come from different sources like hospitals, clinics, doctors, physios, chiropractors and police reports. Similarly, in this case, we had received about 326 pages of documents from various medical facilities.
The lawyers for both plaintiffs and defendants have to spend a lot of time going through the documents to fully understand the legal basis of each case, understand the medical condition of the client, the impact on the client, the incurred and future medical cost involved in treating the client and of course the likelihood of success in filing a suit. We had a solution to provide which would reduce the time lawyers spend in reviewing these documents so they can focus more on their core business activities.
The Solution:
We provided remote paralegal support services to our customer’s onsite team of attorneys. We formed a dedicated team of professionals to handle the volume of work. This team consisted of trained medical professionals and lawyers with sound medical experience, excellent comprehension and writing skills, sound computer skills and where possible, have a basic knowledge of law.
We analyzed, sorted and rearranged all of the received medical records in a chronological order to provide a systematic presentation of the information, which is easy to review. Then, a comprehensive text-based summary of the available medical records was presented chronologically in order for it to be easily understandable as a sequence of events.
Once the completed chronological medical summary was available, we went ahead and drafted the demand letters including “PERMISSION TO SETTLE REQUEST AND UNDERINSURED SETTLEMENT DEMAND” as well the “THIRD PARTY DEMAND LETTER.” We made sure this document was packed with excellent information and arguments, outlining the damages the client was seeking to ensure claim is valid. The total damages were estimated at $XYZ.
We had formed a review team and established a review mechanism to do a strict quality check to ensure high quality of work on a continual basis. Our team also ensured a fast turnaround time (TAT).
Our past experience of working with law firms specializing in personal injury law and mass tort, combined with competitive rates for full-time professionals helped us win and execute this project.
What Did the Customer Gain?
Our customer was very satisfied with the high quality of work delivered by our team of professionals as well as the quick turnaround time. The key benefits that our customer derived from our services were –
• Substantial reduction in costs
• Improved turnaround time
• Creation of standard templates
• Faster case settlements
• Saving of Attorney’s time
Our customer was able to achieve a very good settlement for Mr. JT.